Sunday, April 11, 2010

City- Alive!

It was 17th February,2008, when I first landed on this tinsel town, on this business capital of India- MUMBAI.
From the first day, this city struck the correct chord of connection with me, and I never felt like an outsider to it. I used to feel that I was a daughter of this land just born and grown somewhere else, and now it was the time for me to come and embrace my city that was promising me to give me my ever searching-Identity of life.
Mumbai, being is on the a coastal area, so its weather is as pleasant as the attitude of the people living here. Though, I was born and brought up in another metropolitan city, but this city had its own metropolitan characteristics, which no other cities of India can compare. It surpasses every other cities' way of thinking, pace of life, standard of living, Celebrations, Joy, Happiness and also grief and sadness.The avarage area of Mumbai is over six hundred square kilometers, and the average size of it's heart is unmeasurable! Every morning the city wakes up with a warm smile and an open arms, welcoming every new person and helping them to achieve the life, they hope, pray or cry for!
Though, because of its overpopulation we find most of us, the city-dwellers complaing about the number of people living here. But, has anybody thought of realising- that, the over-crowded local trains, the packed-up buses and the hustle-bustle on the streets are also evident about another fact, about the city, it is living. Every corner of the city is always alive. In every corner of the town we can find human emotions dripping down and love oozing out!
There is a very old study, which says, Humans are social animals, they need a community,that is, groups to survive! Then, if that is true, I really don't understand why people here is complaining. This city, has the biggest, widespread and varied community living cordially. If humans trully require a society to live, then, Is it that the community is not made-up of humans or Is it that the people complaining about the cities social structure are not humans? Think about it...

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