Bongs & Burps!
(log on to:, to celebrate taste)
At every part of the world, 1st of January is
celebrated with utmost pomp & show, as a welcome gesture for the NEW YEAR!
In this, Bengalis are no less a participant! Still, no matter which part or
corner of the world a bong lives, its not only new year but also NABO Barsho
that brings with it equal excitement & curiosity about the beginning of a
new (oops! Sorry) Nabo barsho!
We all know, Bengalis ‘Live to EAT’, for every occasion, for
every day and for every time of the day there has to be variety of dishes
served to a bong. And, for any bong, a meal is never complete till he feels
like stealing an hour or so for a quick siesta (you see we bongs are the most immaterialist
on earth! We never bother or greed for more earning rather we prefer simple and
a relaxed life).
Talking about greed though bongs mostly non-greedy, peace
& Rabindranath-loving species but the greed for good and delicious food is
very evident across bongs of all age groups.
Thus, for nabobarsho as well, bongs have their special and
delicious variety of recipes that are religiously cooked, served and relished
on Nabobarsho. One such dish is Peas Kachori (Karaishutir kachori)- has been updated on my website:
Along with it, there are various other sweets that are also
relished by bongs.
It’s an age-old tradition that on Nabobarsho a bong visits
his/her local jeweler to open a new credit a/c (though there is no guarantee
that he/she would use the a/c ever). Such a/c are normally opened by paying the
jeweler a token amount from Rs.101 onwards.
But the intention for any bong to visit such shops is the
But, whatever said, it is very true that Bengali cuisine is
very relishing and involves immense variety, thus for bongs-burping with a
satisfying smile on their face after every meal is nothing surprising.
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