Friday, February 12, 2010

A journey towards marriage

I was in college(first year). I was a very promising student of the college, with high academic ambitions. After finishing school i had opted for a Woman's college, so that young handsome, appealing and attractive creatures of the opposite sex cannot dampen my career and my concentration of studies. But, I feel god must have mocked at my decision of curbing my inner leaping, thumping heart from possesing emotional turmoils.

Just a few days before my first college exam, I was happily enjoying a daily show on TV with Mom. I feel it was my only time in the whole day when i let my adrenal rush and get to the highest emotional point of love. Just then, an alert of message delivery came on my mobile. That time i never realised that God has done his work. He had already given my most important person's entry within my life- with that slight beep on my mobile.It was the most strangest and the most adevnturous moment in my life since i left school and joined the college. An SMS of a stranger seeking freindship. Usually, the kind of proudy and arrogant person I am, my most expected behaviour would be to call up or SMS some foul words at the initiator so that the person would forget SMSing for few days. But, to my own astonishment and to the other person's surprise I immediately pressed the reply button on my mobile and sent a very small message that turned out to be a start of the longest journey and the most pleasant journey of my life. I sent a reply saying "OK".

We kept SMSing each other for the next three to four days. The leap within my heart increased its pace. I felt as if a young colt have been set-free. I anxiously kept waiting for the stranger's reply. With every beep of an SMS coming from hi made my heart thump so loud that sometimes i used to get scared that may be my parents near by can hear them. But, may be if they heard it, they never thought that apart from studies and work any thing else can increase the thump in my heart.

After the strange incident recurred for half a week I decided to talk to him. I felt as if, within those few days and with those few SMS exchanges I have exchanged every little experiences and feelings of our lives. I felt I knew him so well! I knew him as much as I know myself. So, for me talking to him was just a human formality.

Without thinking twice about any sort of practical dangers and problems I gave him my landline number and asked him to call. It was around Six-thirty when our phone rang. I picked- up and with emotions trying to gush out of my voice, I said "Hello". From the other side a very heavy-based, voice, with exuberating attitude replied. It was unbelievable for me to realise that I was talking to a stranger. But, as they say, when the correct string in the guitar is plucked and the correct tune is played on the piano a never ending music comes out:; simillarly, for me- rather for us, we struck the right chord of life and hence our conversation became never-ending. We kept talking for more than an hour. This became a regular event in my life. we talked so much over the phone that we hardly realised that we have never met.

After seven months we thought that we should make our friendship, more humane and so the first step towards it is- meet. So, we met. It was the most horrible meeting. This was like plucking all wrong strings in the guitar. I also lost all hope of making our strange friendship transforming into the most special relationship and it was the same on his part aswell.

But, both of us believed that this could not be our end. We felt that there is something stranger hidden within our strange relationship that we kept talking to each other without expecting anything in return.

Again we met, this I feel was a more formal and structured meeting of ours. After this meeting I really started liking him a lot. But, I again wanted to ignore that feeling of mine, since my superiority complex was not allowing me to accept that I was slowly going weak before the most handsome and charming young man I have ever met.

I was in love-finally! We met for a movie. It was then when my complexes surrendered and my heart completely got drowned into the sea of love- only for him.
My impatient, energetic girl from within did not want the feeling to stay within my heart. Since I always had boys showing interest in me and complimenting me on my looks and my talent, I thought getting his love would not be hard. But, guess I was wrong.

I felt my whole false world -filled with perceptions of me being beautifull and attractive shattered with his one small reply, which was- NO.

For the next five years I was regularly in touch with him as a best freind. Helping him, supporting him, giving him company as a freind- no form his side not even a freind just a mere SMS pal. yes, I was just another conservative girl belonging to a older part of the city, who got befreinded with an urban man living in a modern world.

I showed him the affection and gave him all the loyalty that is expected from a best friend, he always acknowledged it but never accepted my Love.

Meanwhile, my old interest of life kept growing. I kept ushering my career-struggling, achieving, failing, falling-again standing, grabbing again slipping! While I was amidst this turmoil I had My friend going to mumbai for his career.

I was left all alone. No phone calls no contacts, no daily long chats. Then, after almost three months and with the ascent of a new year again came my friend's SMS. I got up with the new year's sun's golden beam of light falling on my face, the birds chirping near my window and that old beep in my mobile. I got him back in my life. May be not in the form I want but atleast his preasence was again to be felt in my life.

After a year and a half, and after a lot of ups and downs in my work life I decided to go to mumbai for ushering my career. Then I never thought that it's not that I will get my career sorted in this city but also get my Life!

Within a couple of months of my stay, he started noticing me. He started looking up to me. He actually started thinking about me, which he has never done for th elast five years of our friendship. It was for five years that I used to think about him, talk about him, smile at his thought, cry at his absence. Now, more than I did, he started doing so. I could feel it, I could read it and I couold hear the untold word form his mouth. But, now, my hope of getting his love was almost lost so I never wanted to get drowned again within the sea of Love for him, where I can never get an anchorage of his hand.

But, no I was wrong. It was something more astonishing that this strange stranger was going to do in my life. He proposed marriage to me. I had no other options other than saying yes to him, since he was my breath, he was my senses, he was my heart-beat, he was actually the things needed for a human to live. Since I wanted to live so I had to say "Yes" to him. We broke the word to our parents who met and finalised the dates, then finally we got married. Its been three months now since our marriage and now when I look back and think about those days when I longed for his presence for him to be close to me then I feel that it was good that I longed for him for so long. It is because of that longing that today I really cherish his presence in my life, I get anxious if I don't et his call while in office. He is not my love interest any more. I should say he is my habit, he is my breath, he is my heart-beat, he is the object which after every wink my eye want to see, his voice is the only thing that my ear wants to hear, his touch is the only thing that my body wants to feel.

Though my journey towards my marriage had been very emotionally whirling and stormy but still the calm, peace and happiness that it ended with, that now I pray to God that hope I get this turmoil in evry life of mine and I hope that after every turmoil of life I get him to bring peace and happiness in my life!..............................................

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